Kurhaus Bad Aussee | © TVB Ausseerland - Salzkammergut_Rast Kurhaus Bad Aussee | © TVB Ausseerland - Salzkammergut_Rast

Mon., 23/09/2024 from 20:00 o'clock

Cinema in the Kurhaus

The feature film documentary “Sleeping with a Tiger” will be shown at the Kur- und Congresshaus Bad Aussee.

Gifted child, abandoned daughter, determined woman, lonely artist, explorer of inner worlds, celebrated painter.

A film about the painter Maria Lassnig, her search for her very personal, artistic expression, her struggle in the male art world, her physical struggle for her painting. And then also a film about her great artistic success.

Date and time

Mon., 23/09/2024
Starts at: 20:00 O'clock (Duration: 107 Minutes)

Event location

Bad Aussee - Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee

Additional Information

Price information

Admission price: € 8,00

Tickets are available at the box office.


Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee
Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee
Kurhausplatz 144
8990 Bad Aussee
Mobile +43 676 836 225 46


Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee
Kur- & Congresshaus Bad Aussee
Kurhausplatz 144
8990 Bad Aussee
Mobile +43 676 836 225 46