Das Klima Puzzle | © Karin Lebenbauer Das Klima Puzzle | © Karin Lebenbauer

Sat., 28/09/2024 from 09:30 o'clock

Climate Puzzle Workshop

Invitation to the Climate Puzzle Workshop

The causes and effects of global warming determine our future. In the “Climate Puzzle”, a large overall picture of all the interrelationships is created in a playful and scientifically sound way through joint dialog.

The workshop also focuses in particular on positive future scenarios. Our living spaces will change noticeably. Exciting pioneering examples from Austria, Paris and Milan show how we can shape these together!

After the workshop on September 28, you will have the opportunity to visit Georg Fink's organic apiary!

Participation is free of charge (small donation requested) Limited number of participants. Please register at office@karin-lebenbauer.at

Further information at https://www.karin-lebenbauer.at/klimabildung/


Take the opportunity and travel by public transport:

If you want to connect the visit of this event with an overnight stay – here you can get to the landlords in the region.


Date and time

Sat., 28/09/2024
Starts at: 09:30 O'clock (Duration: 150 Minutes)

Event location

Hartberg - Organic beekeeping Georg Fink


Karin Lebenbauer
Schlosspark 82
2325 Velm


Karin Lebenbauer
Schlosspark 82
2325 Velm


Bio-Imkerei Georg Fink
Fasanenweg 45
8230 Hartberg


Karin Lebenbauer
Schlosspark 82
2325 Velm