Gernot Haas | © Elena Zaucke Gernot Haas | © Elena Zaucke

Sat., 12/10/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Cabaret: Gernot Haas

Austria's comedy chameleon and exceptional cabaret artist Gernot Haas presents ‘Einen hab ich noch’ with a live band.

‘I've got one more - my favourite jokes’
When he runs out of encores after his live shows and his enthusiastic audience still wants to see more, Gernot Haas tells some of his favourite jokes. And he does it like no other - with countless voices and dialects, often in the roles of favourite celebrities. Due to popular demand, he has now put together an evening of his own. In ‘My Favourite Jokes’, Gernot Haas spontaneously selects the most appropriate jokes from a choice of over 300 and, on this evening, also slips into the make-up and costume of a few of the most popular characters from his cabaret programmes that match the themes of the jokes. The ‘exceptional cabaret artist’ (Kleine Zeitung) will be accompanied by his outstanding live band, which will provide the musical backdrop for the evening. ‘Einen hab ich noch’ is always new, always different and, above all, a heart-warming laughter experience for the whole family.

Date and time

Sat., 12/10/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock (Duration: 2 Hours)

Event location

Laßnitzhöhe - Kursaal

Additional Information

Price information

Tickets: VVK € 25,- | AK € 30,-

Tickets are available online and at all Ö-Ticket sales partners.

Admission: 7 pm



Kurkommission Laßnitzhöhe
Hauptstraße 23
8301 Laßnitzhöhe
