Die Grazbürsten auf der Bühne | © die Grazbürsten Die Grazbürsten auf der Bühne | © die Grazbürsten

Fri., 11/10/2024 from 19:00 o'clock

Cabaret: The Grazbürsten

With their anniversary programme ‘Summa cum Gaude’ they are making a guest appearance in Voitsberg.

What do the Rolling Stones and the ‘Grazbürsten’ have in common? They have been rocking the stage for 40 years and entertain their audiences with humour and irony.

Date and time

Fri., 11/10/2024
Starts at: 19:00 O'clock

Event location

Voitsberg - Stadtsäle

Additional Information

Price information

Tickets: VVK € 20,- | AK € 25,-

Advance booking at the Voitsberg municipal office or online.



Ligister Faschingsrunde
Karl Kohlbacher
Ligist 22
c/o Marktgemeinde Ligist
8563 Ligist
Mobile +43 699 122 291 15


Stadtsäle Voitsberg
Schillerstraße 4
8570 Voitsberg
