Tempelmuseum Frauenberg | © Roland Marx Tempelmuseum Frauenberg | © Roland Marx

Fri., 25/10/2024 from 18:00 o'clock

Gespräch im Tempelmuseum Frauenberg

Talk as part of “What are you talking about: Styria”

Many things come together on the Frauenberg in Leibnitz!
Not only cultures from different times, but this time also employees from different museums! Together, art and culture educators from the Tempelmuseum and the Universalmuseum Joanneum are preparing everything for an afternoon that revolves around the life and everyday life of women in times gone by. The main focus is on baking bread together! In discussions, we not only get to the bottom of ancient recipes or household appliances, but also the question of what the breastfeeding goddess with child is all about.

A cooperation of the museums with the art and cultural education department of the Universalmuseum Joanneum and the Museumsforum Steiermark.

Information and registration: at least one week before the date, at tempelmuseum@leibnitz.at or phone: 0664/73900909

About the event series “What do you tell: Styria?”: - seven talks in seven Styrian museums, May to October 2024: Fascinating museum objects from the “Who are you: Styria?” project provide us with plenty of material for conversations about the history/stories of the city, country, region and people: What significance do the objects have and what connections become clear? What questions do they pose to the world, to each of us? And: What could we ask back? An invitation to everyone who would like to add something to the museum as a place of exchange.

We look forward to seeing you!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Date and time

Fri., 25/10/2024
Starts at: 18:00 O'clock

Event location

Leibnitz - Tempelmuseum Frauenberg


Tempelmuseum Frauenberg
Am Frauenberg 9
8430 Leibnitz
Mobile (0043) 664 73900909


Tempelmuseum Frauenberg
Am Frauenberg 9
8430 Leibnitz
Mobile (0043) 664 73900909