Theatervorstellung | © achromaticphotography Theatervorstellung | © achromaticphotography

Sat., 30/11/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

HILDE - so oder so, sie und ich

A cooperation with TiB - Theater im Bahnhof

People react very differently when they learn that they have a life-threatening illness. Some continue to live as before, some go travelling, some become religious. And some fulfil a long-cherished wish. Like this stage character, who takes her cancer as an opportunity to make an evening about Hildegard Knef, whom she adores. A ruthless evening, just the way she likes it.
Can Knef's glamour and her merciless view of herself rub off a touch of immortality on her own life? She had it, too. She called it judgement. She spoke of a before and an after.

The protagonist will not try to tell Knef's story, but will borrow a few of her songs. She will draw strength from them. And perhaps be able to answer some unanswered questions.

Performance: Martina Zinner
Director: Ed. Hauswirth
Set: Heike Barnard
Music: Thomas Pfeffer
Text contributions: Pia Hierzegger
Stage design: Martin Schneebacher
Technology: Moke Rudolf-Klengel, Armin Sauseng

Admission: 27,- Euro reduced: 25,- Euro (Ö1-Club, ACard)
Students/apprentices: 20,- Euro
Youth (up to 18 years): 10,- Euro
Children up to 8 years free

Tickets: Tel. +43 3465/20200

Date and time

Sat., 30/11/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

St. Martin im Sulmtal - Greith Haus St. Ulrich


Greith Haus Sankt Ulrich
Kopreinigg 90
8544 St. Ulrich in Greith


Greith Haus Sankt Ulrich
Kopreinigg 90
8544 St. Ulrich in Greith