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Sun., 20/10/2024 from 17:00 o'clock

Kindertheaterfestival KUKUK

A magical play with shadow puppets about the fear of the unknown.

“Muthase” Theater Bredouille Vienna, Graz

It's easy to say: “You scaredy-cat!” But what if you get weak-kneed yourself? Lilo and Ru want to be brave and spend the night somewhere else. But it's not that easy. Maybe there's something under the bed? And what is that shadow? Between dreams and reality, they meet Muthasen, who helps them with their fears. The two of them ask each other in amazement: “Is everyone ever afraid? Do you even have to be afraid to be brave?”

A play for the whole family with children aged 4 and over / 50 minutes

Admission: Euro 10,--


Date and time

Sun., 20/10/2024
Starts at: 17:00 O'clock

Event location

St. Stefan ob Stainz - Stieglerhaus


Susanne Braun
St. Stefan ob Stainz 14
8511 St.Stefan ob Stainz
Mobile (+43)6605223520


Susanne Braun
St. Stefan ob Stainz 14
8511 St.Stefan ob Stainz
Mobile (+43)6605223520