Die Gründer des Festes | © Werner Resch Die Gründer des Festes | © Werner Resch

Sun., 22/09/2024 from 11:00 o'clock

Khünegger landleb'n

This unique cult event, which has been a success for over 24 years and was created in honour of the writer and local poet Fred Strohmeier, has almost become an entry in the book of holidays.

‘Feel the richness of poverty’ is the message of the festival, which is successfully organised in the gem of Khünegg near St. Peter am Ottersbach. Nothing was left to chance here. Fred Stohmeier's story ‘The Feast’ was used as a model for this festival and a unique festival was created.

Readings under the pear tree, real folk music - mainly pranks, theatre performances and, last but not least, culinary delights from grandmother's kitchen - these are the cornerstones of this festival.

The Khünegg Day begins with a hike along Fred Strohmeier's former school path and a memorial mass with the St. Peter am Ottersbach church choir in the Strohmeier family courtyard.

This year, the ‘Orig. fidelen Neujoargeiger’, the ‘AltBadseer’ and the ‘5 für Eva’ will provide the musical accompaniment on the magnificent Khünegg high plateau. Literary entertainment is provided by Sepp Loibner from ORF Styria, the West Styrian local poet and author Karl Oswald and the new East Styrian local poet Elfi Groß Pauer. This year's theatre programme includes the play: ‘Die Vavaund'n’ (boundary stone between two properties) - by Franz Gombocz.

The festival is organised by the Khünegg volunteer fire brigade with HBI Stefan Reichmann, Manfred and Christoph Kargl and two new festival organisers: Franz Fruhmann and Gerhard Pretterhofer. Around 60 volunteers help to organise this extraordinary and authentic experience.

Date and time

Sun., 22/09/2024
Starts at: 11:00 O'clock (Duration: 9 Hours)

Event location

St. Peter a. Ottersbach - Khünegg, St. Peter/O.


Freiwillige Feuerwehr Khünegg
Stefan Reichmann
Khünegg 39
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach


Freiwillige Feuerwehr Khünegg
Stefan Reichmann
Khünegg 39
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach


Freiwillige Feuerwehr Khünegg
Stefan Reichmann
Khünegg 39
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach


Freiwillige Feuerwehr Khünegg
Stefan Reichmann
Khünegg 39
8093 St. Peter am Ottersbach