Autor | © Brigitte Friedrich Autor | © Brigitte Friedrich

Fri., 27/09/2024 from 16:00 o'clock

Reading with Heinz Janisch in Fürstenfeld

“It's important to me that children experience books as a gift, like a kind of surprise bag: you open it and let yourself be surprised...” Janisch

Heinz Janisch lives in Vienna and Burgenland. He has published numerous books, including many books for children and young people, which have been translated into more than twelve languages.

“It's important to me that children experience books as a gift, like a kind of surprise bag: you open it and let yourself be surprised...” Janisch

Heinz Janisch has won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize 2024 and the Christine Nöstlinger Prize 2024.

About the book “The Golden Age”:

To the book:

Jupiter is the most powerful of the Roman gods, but even he is no match for the power of love. So he transforms himself into a snow-white bull in order to abduct the beautiful Europa. The famous story comes from Ovid's Metamorphoses. His tales of transformation are among the most influential stories in world literature. Heinz Janisch has now retold 17 selected myths for children for the first time. Translated with (free version)

Date and time

Fri., 27/09/2024
Starts at: 16:00 O'clock

Event location

Fürstenfeld - Mediensaal der Mittelschule Fürstenfeld


Stadtbücherei Fürstenfeld
Augustinerplatz 2
8280 Fürstenfeld
Mobile +43 (0) 664 2455578


Stadtbücherei Fürstenfeld
Augustinerplatz 2
8280 Fürstenfeld
Mobile +43 (0) 664 2455578


Stadtbücherei Fürstenfeld
Augustinerplatz 2
8280 Fürstenfeld
Mobile +43 (0) 664 2455578