Hiking through the apple orchards in Eastern Styria | Bernhard Bergmann | © TV Oststeiermark / Bernhard Bergmann Hiking through the apple orchards in Eastern Styria | Bernhard Bergmann | © TV Oststeiermark / Bernhard Bergmann
Walking is healthy - Nordic Walking is healthier! - Werner Riedl

Nordic Walking

Nordic walking actually comes from the far north. There, walking with poles was originally intended as summer training for winter athletes. Since 2000, the sport has been experiencing a real hype in this country, which is still going strong today - also in the adventure region Eastern Styria!

Its popularity, when you think about it, is hardly surprising, because Nordic Walking is suitable for practically everyone. Whether young or in their prime, Nordic Walking is not only a real calorie killer, but also a genuine anti-ageing miracle. Nordic Walking trains more than 80% of the total musculature and that in the fresh (East Styrian) air - that can only work wonders!

Enjoy the beauty of nature along the way and chat a bit while strolling. Whoever thinks that a brisk walk would have a similar effect is mistaken.

Here are some advantages that speak for a Nordic Walking tour in Eastern Styria:

  • Fitness factor: The combination of aerobic endurance, strength and coordination training strengthens tendons, muscles, joints and bones and keeps you young into old age.
  • Increased oxygen supply: Better blood circulation ensures better transport of nutrients to every cell in the body and toxins are disposed of at the same time. Heart, circulation and brain work better and you can enjoy your holiday to the full.
  • Strengthening of the immune and cardiovascular system: The formation of white blood cells is stimulated - the defence against infections works better and you stay and feel healthy.
  • Psyche: Nordic Walking acts as a natural antidepressant. At the same time, it increases stress tolerance and releases happiness hormones, of which you can never have enough in the garden of Austria.

to stay fit !

Our most popular tours in Eastern Styria - challenge your body with Nordic Walking, but don't overtax it!

"Walk" together with health trainer Professor Werner Riedl and stay fit!


Even though Nordic Walking is easy to learn, it depends on the right technique. Long-time Nordic Walking expert Professor Werner Riedl teaches this to all beginners and advanced Nordic Walkers every Tuesday from 6 pm at the Nordic Walking meeting in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park.  

The starting point is the Aupark in Pöllau. All participants "walk" for a total of 1.5 hours in the great outdoors. The programme is loosened up with gymnastic exercises, and on warm days there is even a Kneipp session. In this way, even the "sporty" get fit in the shortest time. By the way, Prof. Werner Riedl's healthy exercise programme is free of charge.

One more reason to get fit under professional guidance in Austria's most beautiful outdoor fitness centre, the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park.

Nordic Walking in the Pöllauer Valley | © TV Oststeiermark | Christine Schwetz
Nordic Walking in the Pöllauer Valley | © TV Oststeiermark | Christine Schwetz

Sporting together on the move!

Nordic Walking in St. ruprecht an der Raab

"Gemma a Runde" is the motto every Thursday at 8 am in St. Ruprecht an der Raab. Walking time approx. 1.5 hours. Meeting point is in the park.

Everyone is welcome!


Nordic Walking in St. Ruprecht | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | diemosbachers


Numerous mountain peaks, cosy alpine pastures, circular hiking trails with views and refreshment stops, hikes through the orchards or tours in the city gardens stretch throughout Eastern Styria. In our tour portal you will find an overview of all hiking trails in the Garden of Austria.

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