
Would you like to discover the region of Graz by hiking, biking or cycling? Then we have put together some tour tips for you here! Explore the region and take a look at our route suggestions.

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
84 Results
Accessible by public transport
Literaturpfad | © Prof. Dr. Hofmeister
Region Graz easy
Route 2,1 km
Duration 1:00 h

Stattegger Literaturpfad

r4 kl. panoramarundweg_img_19155168 | Hirsch Florian | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 4,7 km
Duration 2:30 h

R4 Kl. Panoramarundweg

Accessible by public transport
GH Sandwirt | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 7,8 km
Duration 4:30 h

R5 Präbichl-Glett-Rundweg

Accessible by public transport
Spazieren vor dem Stift Rein | Region Graz - Tom Lamm | © Region Graz
Region Graz easy
Route 10,0 km
Duration 3:00 h

From Rein Abbey to the “Styrian St Stephen’s Cathedral”

Accessible by public transport
Lindenkreuzkapelle (C) Auer Martina | Meike Brucher | © Region Graz
Graz Area medium
Route 15,6 km
Duration 4:30 h

Hike around Strassengel

Accessible by public transport
Mitten in Deutschfeistritz | Markus Windisch | © Tourismusregion Stübing I Deutschfeistritz I Peggau I Übelbach, Foto: Lunghammer
Deutschfeistritz easy
Route 3,6 km
Duration 1:00 h

Rund um den Etscherlgraben

Accessible by public transport
Stimmungsvolle Tourismusregion | Markus Windisch | © Tourismusregion Stübing I Deutschfeistritz I Peggau I Übelbach, Foto: Lunghammer
Region Graz easy
Route 3,9 km
Duration 1:20 h

Kleine Eichbergrunde

Accessible by public transport
Tropfstein in der Lurgrotte Peggau | Meike Brucher | © Region Graz
Peggau medium
Route 36,5 km
Duration 3:10 h

Lurgrotte grotto tour

Accessible by public transport
knight rider trail graz plabutsch_img_41052754 | © Region Graz
Graz medium
Route 3,7 km
Duration 0:45 h

Knight Rider Trail Graz Plabutsch

Accessible by public transport
Deine Richtung | Markus Windisch | © Tourismusregion Stübing I Deutschfeistritz I Peggau I Übelbach, Foto: Lunghammer
Deutschfeistritz medium
Route 10,6 km
Duration 3:57 h


Accessible by public transport
r11 lehrwanderweg_img_17170045 | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 5,4 km
Duration 1:45 h

R11 Lehrwanderweg

Accessible by public transport
r2 ulrichsbrunnrundweg_img_17544739 | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 8,3 km
Duration 2:40 h

R2 Ulrichsbrunn circular trail

Accessible by public transport
Am Beginn des Weststeirischen Jakobswegs | Steiermark Tourismus/Schiffer | © TRV Graz / Graz Umgebung
Thal medium
Route 20,2 km
Duration 6:00 h

1. Etappe: Jakobsweg Weststeiermark

Accessible by public transport
Pfarrkirche zum Heiligen Ägidius | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 3,6 km
Duration 1:30 h

R1 Markt-Rundweg

Accessible by public transport
r 12: windhof-rundweg_img_19220714 | Andrea Gottlieb | © Region Graz
Semriach easy
Route 11,8 km
Duration 2:30 h

R 12: Windhof-Rundweg

Accessible by public transport
Am Beginn des Weststeirischen Jakobswegs | Steiermark Tourismus/Schiffer | © TRV Graz / Graz Umgebung
Region Graz challenging
Route 149,9 km
Duration 49:00 h

Way of St. James Western Styria from Thal/Graz to Lavamünd/Carinthia

84 Results