© Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder © Thermen- & Vulkanland | Der Ferder

Excursions in the Thermen- & Vulkanland

Every holiday involves a culinary discovery or two that you won’t forget in a hurry. Visitors will savour the memory of the Zotter Chocolate Factory, where you can “nibble” your way through the history of chocolate from the cocoa bean to the finished product. Of course, that’s not the only gourmet world to invite you to sample its delicious products – there’s also the Vulcano Ham Manufactory, for example, and Gölles Manufacturing for fine vinegars and fruit brandies as well.

However, it’s not just the culinary treasures of the region that delight visitors both young and old... There’s also a whole host of fascinating wonders to explore in art & culture (just take the Schlösserstraße “Castle Road”, for example), handicrafts, nature & adventure too!

Take a look here to find your own personal highlights for your next holiday in Southeast Styria.

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fromagery Riegersburg  | © Bernhard Gruber
  • open today
  • Riegersburg

The Cheese Artist - Fromagerie zu Riegersburg

Austria's first cheese art and maturation manufactory. Here cheese is ripened to bloom and refined. Let yourself be...
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E-Bike Ladestation Sportzentrum Feldbach | © Tourismusverband Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

E-Bike Ladestation Sportzentrum Feldbach

ÖKO charging point
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E-Bike Ladestation beim bunten Kirchturm | © Thermen- & Vulkanland
  • open today
  • Feldbach

E-Bike Ladestation beim bunten Kirchturm/ Feldbach

Four charging stations with bicycle parking
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Stadtgemeinde Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

Tennis und Tischtennis in Feldbach

There are a total of 29 tennis courts in the municipality of Feldbach.
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E-Bike Ladestation Freizeitzentrum Mühldorf/ Feldb | © Tourismusverband Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

E-Bike Ladestation Freizeitzentrum Mühldorf/ Feldbach

ÖKO charging point
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Stadtpfarrkirche Feldbach | © Stadtgemeinde Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

Stadtpfarrkirche zum Heiligen Leonhard

The parish church of St. Leonhard of Feldbach is located on the church square between the Museum im Tabor and Villa...
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Weinbau & Rebschule Melbinger | © Weinbau & Rebschule Melbinger
  • open today
  • Feldbach

Weinbau & Rebschule Melbinger

Winegrowing with passion.
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Flusslandschaft Raab | © Tourismusverband Feldbach/ B. Bergmann
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  • Feldbach

Flusslandschaft Raab in Feldbach

Linger on the banks of the Raab, take a break and let the tranquility of the flowing water take over...  
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E-Bike Ladestation Seniorenwohnhaus Feldbach | © Tourismusverband Feldbach
  • open today
  • Feldbach

E-Bike Ladestation Seniorenwohnhaus Feldbach

ÖKO charging point
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JUPiii Salzgrotte | © JUPiii Salzgrotte
  • Feldbach

Jupiii Salzgrotte Feldbach

Healthy sea climate in the middle of Feldbach.
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Der bunteste Kirchturm der Welt | © Tourismusverband Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

Der bunteste Kirchturm der Welt

But why is it actually so colorful?
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E-Bike Ladestation Kindergarten Gniebing/ Feldbach | © Tourismusverband Feldbach
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  • Feldbach

E-Bike Ladestation Kindergarten Gniebing/ Feldbach

ÖKO charging point
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