Touring in Southeast Styria

Discover the southernmost reaches of Styria on your next activity holiday! Whether your passion is for cycling, hiking, running, walking or golfing, the Thermen- & Vulkanland offers exactly what you need.

Blessed with a wonderful climate, the hill country region of Southeast Styria (the “Hügelland”) offers tours throughout the year suitable for any level of fitness. Wonderful jogging paths weaving around the hotels and hot springs; majestic climbing walls on the rocks of the Riegersburg; over 3,000 km of signposted cycling routes; stunning golf courses; wild rivers for canoeing; as well as hiking trails make Southeast Styria a promised land for people who love to be active.

Sport and enjoyment go hand-in-hand on the pleasure cycling tours (“Genussradeltouren”) and e-bike tours criss-crossing the region: it’s an inherent part of the Thermen- & Vulkanland. Cycling for pleasure means looking at the journey as the destination, like cycling to a traditional “Buschenschank” (wine tavern), for example. Wonderful panoramic views included! Hikers won’t be on their feet all the time either as they rack up the miles: wine taverns, winegrowers, restaurants and local producers are all tempting places to stop off for a short break and to sample the local delicacies. A dense network of cycling services and bike hire offers offer cyclists a top-notch experience.

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
28 Results
Accessible by public transport
fb6 hügeltour thermen- & vulkanland steiermark_img_25535014 | Christian Strobl | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland challenging Open
Route 73,7 km
Duration 5:55 h

FB6 Hill Tour Thermal & Volcanic Land Styria (FB6 Hügeltour Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark)

Accessible by public transport
fb8 aulandtour thermen- & vulkanland steiermark_img_25535539 | Christine Neuhold | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland medium Open
Route 58,9 km
Duration 4:10 h

FB8 Auland Tour Thermal & Volcanic Land Styria (FB8 Aulandtour Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark)

Accessible by public transport
Pechmanns alte Ölmühle | © Pechmanns alte Ölmühle
Feldbach medium
Route 34,1 km
Duration 2:30 h

R32 Gnas Valley Bike Path (R32 Gnastal Radweg)

Accessible by public transport
um Riegersburg | © © Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark_Harald Eisenberger
Feldbach medium Open
Route 61,1 km
Duration 4:22 h

4 Elemente Tour LUFT 2 im Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark

Accessible by public transport
Berghofer-Mühle | © © Berghofer-Mühle _Bernhard Bergmann
Thermen- & Vulkanland medium Open
Route 49,1 km
Duration 3:30 h

4 elements tour FIRE 1 in the thermal & volcanic country Styria

Accessible by public transport
Unser Ausgangspunkt - Feldbach | Weges OG | © Weges OG
Thermen- & Vulkanland medium
Route 18,8 km
Duration 5:00 h

Railroad hiking trail Feldbach-Bad Gleichenberg (Bahnwanderweg Feldbach-Bad Gleichenberg)

Accessible by public transport
Bodenmarkierung R45 | Daniela Neubauer | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Feldbach medium
Route 34,0 km
Duration 2:25 h

R45 Gleichenberg cycle path

Accessible by public transport
radsternfahrt tag 1 von 5 - die burg- und wallfahrtstour_img_27035004 | Bernhard Bergmann | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Accessible by public transport
hr4 - sharrows - feldbach mobil & nachhaltig ans ziel_img_25529813 | Billek´s Wirtshaus | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland
Feldbach easy Open
Route 6,7 km
Duration 0:28 h

HR4 - Sharrows - Feldbach mobile & sustainable to the destination

Accessible by public transport
radsternfahrt tag 3 von 5 - kulturtour graz_img_27035006 | Tourismusverband Feldbach  | © Bernhard Bergmann
Accessible by public transport
radsternfahrt tag 2 von 5 - hügellandtour_img_27035291 | Markus Moser | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Accessible by public transport
fb2 kernöltour thermen- & vulkanland steiermark_img_25528930 | Josef Hödl | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland challenging Open
Route 64,5 km
Duration 4:55 h

FB2 Kernel oil tour thermal & volcanic land Styria (FB2 Kernöltour Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark)

Accessible by public transport
radsternfahrt tag 4 von 5 - weinlandtour_img_27035850 | Bernhard Bergmann | © Erlebnisregion Thermen- & Vulkanland
Accessible by public transport
hr6 - sharrows - feldbach mobil & nachhaltig ans ziel_img_26014346 | Guido Lienhardt | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland
Feldbach easy Open
Route 4,0 km
Duration 0:16 h

HR6 - Sharrows - Feldbach mobile & sustainable to the destination

Accessible by public transport
Sich gut fühlen | Fotolia | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland challenging
Route 19,3 km
Duration 2:50 h

Feldbach in motion - running route yellow - 19.2 km (Laufstrecke gelb)

Accessible by public transport
Mit Flocki spazieren | Bernhard Bergmann | © TV Thermen- & Vulkanland
Thermen- & Vulkanland easy Open
Route 3,7 km
Duration 0:35 h

Feldbach in motion - running route white - 3,7 km (Laufstrecke weiß)

28 Results