© TV Südsteiermark | Achromatic Photography © TV Südsteiermark | Achromatic Photography
Joie de vivre that broadens the artistic horizon

Arts & cutlure scene

The vastness of our region opens up the artistic horizon and the joie de vivre shows itself in diverse cultural initiatives, while the self-confidence of the region displays itself in productions with strong character. 

One might think that the art of living is the discipline with which southern Styria has made a name for itself. But in addition to the many artists who know how to enjoy life to the fullest, there are also true artists in the south of Styria who sweeten our days and evenings with music, art, literature and acting.

„Creatives and artists lend fine-spiritual expression to southern Styria.“

The Arts & Culture scene in southern Styria

Immerse yourself in the regional arts & culture scene, where contemporary is skilfully combined with the tried and tested.

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Greith Haus außen | © Greith-Haus
  • St. Martin im Sulmtal

Greith Haus Sankt Ulrich

The Greith House is home to top-class art and cultural events and also impresses with its extraordinary architecture.
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Regioneum | © Naturparkzentrum Grottenhof
  • Leibnitz

Nature park Southern Styria - Visitor Centre Grottenhof

Interesting informations about the nature park nature park with its hilly wine roads and its Celtic and Roman past.
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Kniely Haus Leutschach | © Kniely Haus Leutschach
  • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

Kniely Haus Leutschach

The municipality of Leutschach an der Weinstraße runs a center of art, culture & communication in the middle of...
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Ausstellung | © Peter Michelitsch
  • Deutschlandsberg

Kulturforum Laßnitzhaus Deutschlandsberg

Right next to the center there is an event hall at Hollenegger Straße 8 with the Laßnitzhaus, which is suitable for a...
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  • Deutschlandsberg


Kulturfrische is a cultural initiative in the mountain village of Trahütten. Inspired by the former summer resort of...
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Stadtgalerie | © Stadtgalerie Deutschlandsberg
  • open today
  • Deutschlandsberg

Stadtgalerie Deutschlandsberg

The Stadtgalerie is a measure by the city marketing of Deutschlandsberg to revitalize empty business premises and gives...
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Theaterdorf 1 | © Gemeinde St. Josef
  • St. Josef

Theaterdorf St. Josef

With the "Theaterweg" Theater Village St. Josef offers its guests a unique Austrian experience. The Theaterweg is...
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Rondell Gallery1 | © TV Südsteiermark
  • Bad Schwanberg

Rondell Gallery

The Rondell Gallery regularly hosts top-class art exhibitions and is also a venue for art and cultural events.
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Klavierfrühling mit Markus Schirmer | © Kulturkreis Deutschlandsberg
  • Deutschlandsberg

Kulturkreis Deutschlandsberg

The Kulturkreis currently mainly offers piano concerts, with the "Deutschlandsberger piano spring" with internationally...
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Landwirtschaftsmuseum Schloss Stainz | © UMJ, N. Lackner
  • open today
  • Stainz

Universalmuseum Joanneum - Landwirtschaftsmuseum Schloss Stainz

The past, present and future of rural work are presented in an exciting way based on historical objects and current...
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Erinnerungshof Hermann 2 | © Erinnerungshof Hermann
  • St. Nikolai im Sausal

Erinnerungshof Hermann

At the Hermann Memorial Farm those everyday things are preserved which farmers and craftsmen had in use for centuries....
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Logo | © Katharina Zotter
  • St. Stefan ob Stainz

Stieglerhaus Kunst-Kultur-Bildung St. Stefan/Stainz

Stieglerhaus - art, culture, educationIn the middle of St. Stefan ob Stainz, in the heart of the Schilcherland...
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